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All Church Retreat 2025


May 16-18

Living in times when the powers and principalities of this world seek to uproot us from our faith and turn siblings in Christ against one another, we will step away to beautiful Laurelville Retreat Center for renewal and courageous conversations.

Green Backdrop

Keynote Speaker

Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNiel

When you hear the name Brenda Salter McNeil, three words immediately come to mind: Passionate, Powerful and Prophetic. She is a woman of God who is gifted as a teacher and preacher and is a leader in the international movement for peace and reconciliation.  Her mission is to inspire, equip and empower emerging Christian leaders to be practitioners of reconciliation in their various spheres of influence. She is an Associate Professor of reconciliation studies in the School of Theology at Seattle Pacific University, where she also directs the Reconciliation Studies program. She also serves on the pastoral staff of Quest Church in Seattle, WA. Dr. Brenda is recognized internationally as one of the foremost leaders of reconciliation and was featured as one of the 50 most influential women to watch by Christianity Today. She is the author of Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0, A Credible Witness: Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race (2008), The Heart of Racial Justice: How Soul Change Leads to Social Change (2005), coauthored with Rick Richardson and her newest book Becoming Brave: Finding the Courage to Pursue Racial Justice Now.


Eastminster Presbyterian Church's All Church Retreat is located at Laurelville Retreat Center. The camp is fully accessible. We will stay in hotel style rooms: no need to bring linens, towels or sleeping bags. 

Meals: We do not serve dinner on Friday night. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is provided on Saturday. Breakfast provided on Sunday. To learn more visit:

Tropical Leaves



May 16

6:30-7:45pm Check in at the Dining Hall (Receive room keys and gather general information for the weekend, sign-up for talent show) 

8:00-8:20pm Opening Prayer in Gym. Children stay in gym. Adults move to small groups in Solar House. 

8:30-9:00pm Gather in Small Groups to get to know one another and share themes for the weekend. Band has line check in Meeting House. 

9:00pm Children picked up from the gym 

9:15pm Share a good book in Solarhouse, 2nd Floor (pack a good book you recently read, and we will share why we love the book) or Free Time 

10:30 Quiet hours until 7am. Must be in rooms and quiet. 


May 17

8:00am Morning Prayers at Waterfall with Rev. Aaron Teter 

8:30am Breakfast in Dining Hall (Sign-ups for talent show “acts” due by 9:30am) 

9:15am Elementary children dropped off at gym 

9:30-10:30 Youth and Adult Keynote 1 with Brenda Salter McNeil in Lodge. Adult Praise Band Rehearsal in Meeting House. 

11-12:00 Worship in the Meeting House (Children will meet their parents at the Meeting House) 

12:30 Lunch at Dining Hall 

1:30-2:45pm Free Time (i.e. hike, basketball, nap) 

2:45pm Children's Choir dropped off to Meeting House. All other children dropped off in gym. 

3-4:00pm Elective times: Dance Cardio, Spiritual Direction, Tie-dye or hike. Youth Praise band rehearsal in Meeting House (at 3:30 youth will join an elective). Adult Praise Band will begin rehearsal at 3:30. 

4:15-5:30pm Worship in Meeting House (Children will meet their parents at the Meeting House) 

5:30pm Dinner in Dining Hall 

6:15-7:45pm Elementary children dropped off at gym 

6:30-7:30pm Youth and Adult Keynote 2 with Brenda Salter McNeil in Lodge. 

8:00pm Talent Show (Children will meet their parents at the Meeting House) 

9:30pm S’mores and campfire at fire ring 

10:30pm Quiet hours until 7am. Must be in rooms and Quiet. 


May 18

8:00-10:00am Clean, pack and check-out (must be checked out before worship) Rooms must be cleaned out before worship. 

8:30am Breakfast 

10:00am Worship in Meeting House 

12:00pm Clean up Meeting House and Depart 

Blurry Forest
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